k-means is based on variance minimization. It minimizes the sum of squared deviations, (x[i]-center[i])**2 for every object x , the dimensions i and the optimum  ...


scipy.misc.comb, returning n choose k, is implemented using the gammaln function. Is there a function that stays in log space? I see there is no scipy.misc.combln or any similar.


I am trying to write an algorithm that would pick N distinct items from an sequence at random, without knowing the size of the sequence in advance...


F. Fischer, T. Orlova, D. Skorinkin, G. Palchikov, N. Tyshkevich ..... vocabulary with the list of the 5000 most frequent Russian lemmas com- piled by ... student and may depend on the field in which they choose to intensify their .... K-16-022- 00.



21 июн 2012 ... Недавно (буквально два года назад) тут пробегала статья Только 10% программистов способны написать двоичный поиск. Двоичный ...


Задача о порядке перемножения матриц — классическая задача динамического ... которая принимает на вход две матрицы размером k×m и m×n и возвращает матрицу размером k×n, потратив на это kmn операций умножения. ..... k; } } } } //метод - простое перемножение 2-х матриц private List  ...



This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and ... and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, ...


#!/usr/bin/env python """ 802.11 Scapy Packet Example Author: Joff Thyer, 2014 "" " # if we set logging to ERROR level, it supresses the warning message # from ...



In this situation, I just want to know ALL possible combinations; choose k elements among a. If I use b = scipy.misc.comb(a, 1), it shows: … where bi is just ai choose 1. And it doesn't work if a is an array...



I'm attempting to generate all n choose k combinations of a list (not checking for uniqueness) recursively by following the strategy of either include or not include an element for each recursive call.


order, порядок, в котором нужно вернуть список друзей. Допустимые значения: hints — сортировать по рейтингу, аналогично тому, как друзья ...


8 фев 2016 ... asymptotic bound for Q(n, k) is improved for any k ≥ 5 and the lower ... In Section 4 we suggest a recurrent way to calculate the numbers Q(n,4) and list the ... sufficient to choose one from the two possible values for every ..... The program on python to calculate these numbers can be found in the appendix.


random.getrandbits(N) - возвращает N случайных бит. ... random.sample( population, k) - список длиной k из последовательности population.


I need to compute combinatorials (nCr) in Python but cannot find the function to do that in math, numpy or stat libraries. Something like a function of the type: …


We will move past the basics of procedural programming and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to ...


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